Reinforcement insert for tissue graft

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11540913
APP PUB NO 20200100891A1





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Devices and methods for reinforcing tissue grafts are described herein. In one embodiment, an implant is described that includes a proximal end portion having a through-hole formed therein, a distal end portion, and a reinforcing insert disposed in the through-hole. The insert includes a proximal face, a distal face opposed to the proximal face, a first upper surface extending between the proximal and distal faces and having a generally convex shape that abuts against at least a portion of a sidewall of the through-hole, and a second lower surface extending between the proximal and distal faces and having a generally concave shape. The second lower surface and portions of the sidewall of the through-hole not abutted by the first upper surface form a reinforced through-hole of the implant.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cournoyer, John R Norfolk, US 17 681
Lavakumar, Karthik Framingham, US 9 82

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