Context aware application model for connected devices

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8813060
APP PUB NO 20120324434A1





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An application management system is described herein that uses context information based on what the user is currently doing and what platform the user is using to determine which applications to offer to a user and to affect behavior of applications that the user invokes. The system provides a hardware/software driven policy manager coupled with context data in an application manifest to provide for device- and situation-specific application modes. Such a model leverages device-specific dynamics to create context aware installation, cataloging, management, interaction, and uninstallation of applications, hence providing better user engagement and experience. Thus, the application management system makes it easier for users to find relevant applications, configures applications to work well on the user's present device, and makes application experiences more relevant to what the user is currently doing.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fortier, Dominique Issaquah, US 25 624
Tewari, Ritwik Woodinville, US 2 80

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