Printhead design with multiple fluid paths to jetting channels

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11801677
APP PUB NO 20230249460A1





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Printheads and design of printheads. In one embodiment, a printhead comprises a plurality of jetting channels, and a manifold apparatus fluidly coupled to the jetting channels. For each jetting channel, the printhead includes a first fluid path between the jetting channel and the manifold apparatus, and a second fluid path between the jetting channel and the manifold apparatus. The jetting channel is configured to jet a print fluid via pressure waves generated in a pressure chamber of the jetting channel. Lengths of the first fluid path and the second fluid path are different by a threshold length so that an arrival time of the pressure waves at the manifold apparatus are different by a threshold time.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hurtado, Cesar Simi Valley, US 3 0
Nishimura, Hiroshi West Hills, US 197 3115
Vo, Giang Simi Valley, US 10 51

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