Method and apparatus for directing data capture devices in a mobile unit with a single operation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9973671





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In a single operation executed by a mobile device, operation is executed on at least two data capture devices housed in the mobile device with a single trigger operation. The mobile device receives information captured by at least one of a first data capture device and a second data capture device; instructs adjustment of the other of the first data capture device and the second data capture device based on the received information and receives information captured by at least one of the first data capture device and the second data capture device subsequent to the adjustment. The mobile device analyzes the received information, repeats instructing adjustment until appropriated details are retrieved from the received information; and directs data capture and/or an image capture by at least one of the first data capture device and the second data capture device in accordance with the retrieved details.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kannan, Anu Astoria, US 5 102
Tsiopanos, Konstantinos D Selden, US 14 196

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