Method of processing communication signal and communication node using the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11070256
APP PUB NO 20200336177A1





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A communication node processing a communication signal in a distributed antenna system includes a data appearance frequency monitor configured to receive a communication signal including a sign bit string, a count leading zero bit string, and an additional data bit string, and to monitor data appearance frequency in the count leading zero bit string included in the received communication signal, a Huffman encoder configured to encode the count leading zero bit string into a corresponding codeword according to a Huffman encoding algorithm based on the data appearance frequency in the count leading zero bit string and an additional bit allocator configured to allocate additional bits to the additional data bit string when the number of bits in the count leading zero bit string decreases during the encoding process.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Byun, Seongwook Gyeonggi-do, KR 1 0
Jang, Hosik Gyeonggi-do, KR 45 162
Kim, Youngin Seoul, KR 17 104

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Jan 20, 2025
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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Jan 20, 2033
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