Systems and methods for secure HTTP connections using a distributed certificate validation model

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11134074





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Systems and methods for establishing a secure connection between a client computing device and a server hosted website. The method includes requesting an HTTPS connection with a server hosted website. The method further includes receiving a certificate from the server hosted website. The certificate is signed by a certificate authority and certificate validators. The method also includes delivering the certificate to each of the certificate validators. The method further includes receiving a certificate status for each of the certificate validators. Each certificate status indicates whether the certificate is valid or has been revoked. The method also includes determining a quantity of valid certificate statuses received from the certificate validators. The method further includes establishing the HTTPS connection with the server hosted website in response to determining that the quantity of valid certificate statuses meets or exceeds an assurance quantity threshold or a Transmission Layer Security Level of Assurance (“TLS-LoA”).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Piya, Gunjan Boston, US 1 1
Smith, Gregory Boston, US 93 1337
Tandri, Sudarsan Boston, US 3 105

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