Aluminium alloy foil with reduced cracking during molding, battery packaging material, and battery

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11258123
APP PUB NO 20190363312A1





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Aluminum alloy foil that, when used for battery packaging material, unlikely to develop pinholes or cracks even during molding of battery packaging material, and can exhibit excellent moldability. Aluminum alloy foil, which is for use in battery packaging material, wherein, with respect to cross section obtained by cutting aluminum alloy foil in vertical direction to rolling direction of aluminum alloy foil, which is a vertical direction to surface of aluminum alloy foil, proportion of total area of a {111} plane in total area of crystal planes of face-centered cubic structure, obtained by performing crystal analysis using EBSD method, is 10% or more; and with respect to cross section, a number average grain diameter R (rpm) of crystals in face-centered cubic structure, obtained by performing crystal analysis using EBSD method, satisfies following equation: number average grain diameter R≤0.056X+2.0, where X=thickness (rpm) of aluminum alloy foil.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hatsuta, Chiaki Tokyo, JP 27 164
Ishitobi, Tatsuro Tokyo, JP 9 35
Komukai, Makoto Tokyo, JP 4 23
Sugano, Mayo Tokyo, JP 3 1
Takahagi, Atsuko Tokyo, JP 41 136

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