Pneumatic system, imprint apparatus and use thereof

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America

PATENT NO 11981052
APP PUB NO 20220288815A1





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A method of imprinting a substrate (180), comprising affixing a flexible stamp (104) carrying an imprinting pattern (106) to a first carrier (102) comprising an array of apertures (112) which, by gas pressure, either pull the flexible stamp towards the first carrier or push it away; pushing it to a second carrier (170) carrying a substrate (180) with a resist layer (182), leaving a gap (190) for creating a controllable contact area between the flexible stamp and the substrate and space (196) between the first carrier and the flexible stamp; progressively pushing areas of the flexible stamp into the resist layer to imprint it; developing the resist layer; and progressively releasing the flexible stamp by applying suction through successive apertures whilst controlling the inward flow of gas to the space (196) through the apertures that are not yet under suction in order to maintain the space (196) there above ambient but below a predetermined maximum pressure.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Verschuuren, Marcus Antonius Berkel-Enschot, NL 56 368

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