Delignified wood materials, and methods for fabricating and use thereof

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11958209
APP PUB NO 20200238565A1





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A delignified wood material is formed by removing substantially all of the lignin from natural wood. The resulting delignified wood retains cellulose-based lumina of the natural wood, with nanofibers of the cellulose microfibrils being substantially aligned along a common direction. The unique microstructure and composition of the delignified wood can provide advantageous thermal insulation and mechanical properties, among other advantages described herein. The thermal and mechanical properties of the delignified wood material can be tailored by pressing or densifying the delignified wood, with increased densification yielding improved strength and thermal conductivity. The chemical composition of the delignified wood also offers unique optical properties that enable passive cooling under solar illumination.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Chaoji Hyattsville, US 13 16
Hu, Liangbing Potomac, US 75 698
Li, Tian Silver Spring, US 45 104
Song, Jianwei College Park, US 13 35

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