Anomalous behavior detection by an artificial intelligence-enabled system with multiple correlated sensors

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11774956
APP PUB NO 20220299985A1





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Multi-metric artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) models for detection of anomalous behavior of a machine/system are disclosed. The multi-metric AI/ML models are configured to detect anomalous behavior of systems having multiple sensors that measure correlated sensor metrics such as coolant distribution units (CDUs). The multi-metric AI/ML models perform the anomalous system behavior detection in a manner that enables both a reduction in the amount of sensor instrumentation needed to monitor the system's operational behavior as well as a corresponding reduction in the complexity of the firmware that controls the sensor instrumentation. As such, AI-enabled systems and corresponding methods for anomalous behavior detection disclosed herein offer a technical solution to the technical problem of increased failure rates of existing multi-sensor systems, which is caused by the presence of redundant sensor instrumentation that necessitates complex firmware for controlling the sensor instrumentation.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cader, Tahir Liberty Lake, US 126 791
Nanjundaiah, Deepak Bangalore, IN 1 0
Serebryakov, Sergey Milpitas, US 22 29

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