Hybrid approach to performing a lazy pull of container images

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11709665
APP PUB NO 20220317987A1





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Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a hybrid approach to performing a lazy pull of a container image. A file system in user space (FUSE) is utilized to lazy pull the container image, and manage file requests from the container while the container image is being fetched locally. During the retrieving, the FUSE may receive from the container, one or more file requests, and may temporarily block each of the one or more file requests until it can process them. Once the container image is fully fetched locally, the overlay structure of the container image expected by a file system in the kernel (e.g., Overlay FS) is created and control is passed to the file system in the kernel. The FUSE may then unmount itself, to expose the container to the underlying mount point.

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Scrivano, Giuseppe Milan, IT 32 32

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