Apparatus for measuring water hardness using ion selective electrode

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11391713
APP PUB NO 20210239673A1





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An apparatus for determining total hardness in a fluid stream utilizing an ion exchange column in a monovalent cationic form having an inlet and an outlet, where one or more monovalent ion selective electrodes are positioned either at an inlet, outlet, or at both locations simultaneously. The monovalent cation selective electrodes are in electrical communication with one another, and in fluid communication with one or more valves incorporated within a fluid path in order to introduce feed water/softened water to the monovalent cation selective electrodes. Additionally, one blending valve may be incorporated in the ion exchange column to allow a fraction of the feed (hard) water to mix with a fraction of the softened water. In this manner, the blending valve may be utilized to adjust the hardness of the water at the output.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Astle, Robert Middlefield, US 54 204
Kahn, Malcolm Franklin Lakes, US 12 39
Meruva, Ravi Lexington, US 3 2
Zimmerman, Jeffrey Forest Lake, US 23 277

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