Current bypass for distributed power harvesting systems using DC power sources

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8004117
APP PUB NO 20110140536A1





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A converter circuit providing multiple current bypass routes between the output leads to provide reliability in a series connection of several converters. If the converter malfunctions due to component failure, the current bypass routes provide a path for the current that views the malfunctioning converter as substantially a short. Diodes prevent backflow into the power source connected to the converter. Redundancy is provided in the bypass portions of the converter circuit that provides alternate parallel paths in case a defective component in one of the paths opens the circuit along that path. In one example, the converter is implemented as a buck plus boost converter where either the buck or the boost portion or both are operative responsive to a controller controlling the switches of both portions. Most of the converter circuit may be implemented in an integrated circuit.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Adest, Meir Raanana, IL 155 8396
Fishelov, Amir Tel Aviv, IL 130 7949
Galin, Yoav Raanana, IL 206 8613
Handelsman, Lior Givataim, IL 167 8589
Sella, Guy Bitan Aharon, IL 188 8300

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