Method and apparatus for standardizing ultrasonography training using image to physical space registration of tomographic volumes from tracked ultrasound

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8116549





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A clinical and training apparatus that collects and processes physical space data while performing an image-guided procedure on an anatomical area of interest includes a calibration probe, a tracked ultrasonic probe, a wireless tracking device that tracks the ultrasonic probe in space and an image data processor. The physical space data provides three-dimensional coordinates for each of the physical points. The image data processor includes a memory holding instructions. The instructions include determining registrations used to indicate position in image space and physical space; using the registrations to map into image space, image data describing the physical space of the tracked ultrasonic probe and the anatomical area of interest; and constructing a three-dimensional (3D) volume based on ultrasonic image data. The apparatus includes a storage medium that stores a plurality of 3D volumes acquired by the image data processor for later retrieval.

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Herline, Alan Nashville, US 1 3
Warmath, John Nashville, US 6 82

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