Method and apparatus for documenting network paths

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7613124
APP PUB NO 20060262727A1





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Methods and apparatus for documenting network path connectivity are described that allow a network management system/revision management system (NMS/RMS) to determine what equipment and ports support a network path by interrupting and restoring Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) service on the network path. Upon detecting a loss of PoE service, communication active jacks that support network path connectivity may activate an internal switch that interrupts downstream connectivity. Each communication active jack along the network path may then begin broadcasting a unique message in the upstream direction that is addressed to the NMS/RMS. Upon receiving a unique active jack message, the NMS/RMS may record the information contained within and instruct the communication active jack to reestablish connectivity to the next downstream device. In this manner, as each device along a network path regains connectivity the network path information stored within the NMS/RMS is updated until a complete view of the network path is documented.

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Caveney, Jack E Hinsdale , US 272 9648

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