Methods, apparatus, and systems to access runtime values of object instances

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9015728
APP PUB NO 20120089987A1





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In one embodiment, a plurality of executable instructions is stored at a first software module. The plurality of executable instructions are collectively configured to provide an identifier of a first object instance to a second software module stored at a memory and executed at the processor. The identifier of the first object instance is received at the second software module in response to execution of the plurality of executable instructions and a textual object element identifier is selected from a plurality of textual object element identifiers. Each textual object element identifier from the plurality of textual object element identifiers uniquely associated with an object element. An identifier of a second object instance is accessed and the object element uniquely associated with the textual object element identifier is reflectively accessed at the second object instance. The first object instance derived from the second object instance.

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Hulick,, Jr Walter T Pearland, US 22 33

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