Explosively formed electronic packages

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5001299





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In one embodiment, a microwave package is constructed from a block of aluminum having layers of material clad to opposite sides thereof having a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than the aluminum block. A receptacle is formed by milling away a portion of one of the layers and a large portion of the aluminum while maintaining an aluminum base or floor within the receptacle. Ceramic substrates can be attached to the floor and connected to wires which extend through feedthrough openings either in the aluminum side walls of the receptacle or through the clad material. A cover can be hermetically attached, as by welding, to the layer of clad material to complete the microwave package assembly. An alternative form of the invention, a metal matrix material can be used which has a layer of copper or aluminum clad to the top surface. The microwave package is formed by milling away a portion of this top surface to form the container. A top cover is provided which is of the same material as the clad layer which facilitates easy welding or attachment thereto.

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Hingorany, Prem R Broomfield, CO 4 91

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