Power converter with circuits for providing gate driving

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6084792





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A power converter using a switching signal having at least three levels of amplitude, one of which amplitude levels has a zero amplitude level during a predetermined switching interval, is provided. The power converter includes a circuit module having first and second input terminals for receiving the switching signal. The circuit module in turn is made up of a first power transistor and second power transistor. Circuitry is electrically coupled to a predetermined one of the power transistors for maintaining a predetermined voltage level across the gate terminal of the predetermined one of the power transistors during the switching interval of zero amplitude. The predetermined voltage level is chosen to enable that predetermined power transistor to continue in a respective 'on' state notwithstanding of the presence of the switching interval of substantially zero amplitude. The circuitry further allows for removing or discharging the predetermined voltage upon termination of the switching interval of zero amplitude level to enable the predetermined power transistor to transition to a respective 'off' state. The power converter may be conveniently used to extend a self-driving synchronous rectification technique to a broader range of output voltages and circuit topologies and provides over-voltage protection to the gates power transistors, and the capability to directly parallel additional modules.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Butler, Stephen J Blacksburg, VA 10 281
Chen, Wei Campbell, CA 1772 22419
Hua, Guichao Hangzhou, CN 35 623
Sable, Daniel M Blacksburg, VA 4 202

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