Apparatus and method for peer-to-peer N-way synchronization in a decentralized environment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7523146
APP PUB NO 20060288053A1





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An apparatus and method of synchronizing a datum between a plurality of stores is disclosed. A version history is associated with the datum in each store. The version history has one or more entries, and each entry has an identifier and a value. The identifier identifies a store that has modified the datum, and the value indicates a number of modifications to the datum made by the store. When synchronizing the datum between stores, the version histories of the datum are compared to determine whether one version history is subordinate to another version history. The datum in the store having the subordinate version history is then replaced with the datum having the dominant version history. When compared, a conflict resolution by a user is required if the version histories are not identical, if the version histories do not have all the same identifiers, and if one version history does not contain all of the identifiers with equal or greater values of those in the other version history.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Forstall, Scott Mountain View, US 344 40464
Freedman, Gordie Palo Alto, US 14 607
Holt, Joe North Bennington, US 3 193

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