Chamber for transplantation and device for transplantation

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11771806
APP PUB NO 20200128814A1





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According to the present invention, there are provided a chamber for transplantation, including a membrane for immunoisolation including a porous membrane at at least part of a boundary between an inside and an outside of the chamber for transplantation, in which the porous membrane contains a polymer and has a layered compact portion where a pore diameter is the smallest within the membrane, a pore diameter continuously increases in a thickness direction from the compact portion toward both one surface A and the other surface B of the porous membrane, a porosity in a vicinity of the surface A is 65% or more, an average pore diameter of the surface A is larger than an average pore diameter of the surface B, and the surface B is disposed on the inside of the chamber for transplantation; and a device for transplantation including the chamber for transplantation enclosing a biological constituent therein. In the chamber for transplantation of the present invention, angiogenesis in a recipient is induced and a deterioration in substance permeability is unlikely to occur.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Ashigarakami-gun, JP 138 1699
Kaminaga, Kuniyuki Ashigarakami-gun, JP 24 37
Mochizuki, Yusuke Ashigarakami-gun, JP 34 134
Takegami, Ryuta Ashigarakami-gun, JP 41 107

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Apr 3, 2027
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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Apr 3, 2035
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