Recording tape cartridge

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8550393
APP PUB NO 20110163193A1





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A recording tape cartridge has: a reel around which a recording tape is wound; a UHF band RFID tag structured to include a tag antenna formed such that radiating portions are disposed at both sides of a power feed portion; and a case in which the reel is housed. Radiating portion spaces, in which are housed regions of the UHF band RFID tag at which the radiating portions are set, and a power feed portion space, in which is housed at least a portion of a region at which the power feed portion is set, are formed within the case at an outer side of a reel space. Regions at which the radiating portions are formed do not contact a reel area rib and a rear upper wall that surround the radiating portion spaces.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Tada, Nobuyuki Kanagawa, JP 28 187

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