Apparatus and method for drying and storing laboratory containers

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6212793





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An apparatus and method are presented for drying and storing laboratory containers which significantly reduce the introduction of contaminants into the containers. A laboratory container system includes one or more containers and a rack for holding the containers in an inverted position. Each container has a base portion, a column portion, and a receptacle portion. A lateral dimension of the base portion is greater than that of the column portion. During use, a container is inverted, and the column portion is inserted between sides of a slot in a flat member of the rack. The spacing between the sides of the slot is sufficient to allow the column portion to pass therebetween, but not the base portion. As a result, the base portion of the container contacts an upper portion of both sides of the slot, and the container is suspended from the rack by the base portion in an inverted position. This inverted orientation of the container significantly reduces the introduction of contaminants into the receptacle portion. An apparatus for drying and storing laboratory containers (e.g., beakers or flasks) includes one or more base members, a corresponding number of means for attaching the base members to bottom surfaces of laboratory containers (e.g., suction cups), and the rack described above for holding the base members and attached containers in an inverted position.

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Goad, Allison L Austin, TX 2 11

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