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MANUFACTURE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS (preservation, pasteurisation, sterilisation of milk products A23; for chemical matters, see subclass A23C)


1/00 Devices or accessories for milking by hand (milking stools A47C 9/04)
3/00 Milking with catheters
5/00 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12)
5/003 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) Movable milking machines
5/007 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) Monitoring milking processes; Control or regulation of milking machines
5/01 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) Monitoring milking processes; Control or regulation of milking machines Milkmeters; Milk flow sensing devices
5/013 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) On-site detection of mastitis in milk
5/017 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) Automatic attaching or detaching of clusters
5/02 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with mechanical manipulation of teats
5/04 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats
5/06 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats Teat-cups with one chamber
5/08 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats Teat-cups with two chambers
5/10 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats Pulsators arranged otherwise than on teat-cups
5/12 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats Pulsators arranged otherwise than on teat-cups with membranes
5/14 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats Pulsators arranged otherwise than on teat-cups electromagnetically controlled
5/16 Milking machines or devices (A01J 1/00, A01J 3/00 take precedence; milking stations A01K 1/12) with pneumatic manipulation of teats Teat-cups with pulsating devices
7/00 Accessories for milking machines or devices (milking stations A01K 1/12)
7/02 Accessories for milking machines or devices (milking stations A01K 1/12) for cleaning or sanitising milking machines or devices (cleaning the internal surfaces of pipes or tubes of milking machines B08B 9/027)
7/04 Accessories for milking machines or devices (milking stations A01K 1/12) for treatment of udders or teats, e.g. for cleaning
9/00 Milk receptacles (containers in general B65D; devices for tilting and emptying of containers B65G 65/23)

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2024/0307,836 LIQUID PUMPMar 14, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
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2024/0298,602 MILKING SYSTEMJun 02, 22Sep 12, 24Not available
2024/0284,864 MILKING DEVICE PROVIDED WITH A MILK FILTERJul 20, 22Aug 29, 24Lely Patent N.V.

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