Automatic provisioning of Wi-Fi connections for trailers

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11140730
APP PUB NO 20200296779A1





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In one embodiment, a device of a tractor unit determines that the tractor unit is connected to a trailer via physical cabling. The device sends, via the physical cabling, a powerline communication (PLC) message to the trailer that includes a service set identifier (SSID) and password for a Wi-Fi transceiver of the tractor unit. The Wi-Fi transceiver of the tractor unit receives an association request sent wirelessly from a Wi-Fi transceiver of the trailer that is based on the sent SSID and password. The device establishes the Wi-Fi transceiver of trailer as a Wi-Fi client of the Wi-Fi transceiver of the tractor unit.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Apostolopoulos, John Palo Alto, US 35 621
Moghe, Ashok Krishnaji Pleasanton, US 13 120

Cited Art Landscape

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