Memory access device outputting transfer request

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8806130
APP PUB NO 20100257310A1





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A memory access device includes a second memory coupled between a processor and a first memory; a memory controller configured to transfer a data from the first memory to the second memory based on a transfer request; a read controller configured to read the data from the second memory, output the data to the processor, and control a read pointer indicating an address reading the data from the second memory; and a write controller configured to output the transfer request to the memory controller, wherein the write controller computes an available capacity of the second memory based on the read pointer, a size of the second memory and a cumulative addition value obtained by adding cumulatively a size of the data which is requested from the processor, and outputs the transfer request based on the available capacity.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kanzaki, Akio Yokohama, JP 1 0
Murase, Shigeyasu Yokohama, JP 3 29
Uchida, Ayuko Yokohama, JP 1 0

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