Fast 3D radiography with multiple pulsed x-ray sources by deflecting tube electron beam using electro-magnetic field

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11857359
APP PUB NO 20230255584A1





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An X-ray imaging system using multiple pulsed X-ray sources to perform highly efficient and ultrafast 3D radiography is presented. There are multiple pulsed X-ray sources mounted on a structure in motion to form an array of sources. The multiple X-ray sources move simultaneously relative to an object on a pre-defined arc track at a constant speed as a group. Electron beam inside each individual X-ray tube is deflected by magnetic or electrical field to move focal spot a small distance. When focal spot of an X-ray tube beam has a speed that is equal to group speed but with opposite moving direction, the X-ray source and X-ray flat panel detector are activated through an external exposure control unit so that source tube stay momentarily standstill equivalently. 3D scan can cover much wider sweep angle in much shorter time and image analysis can also be done in real-time.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ku, Chwen-yuan San Jose, US 28 104
Liu, Jianqiang Campbell, US 50 444
Maolinbay, Manat Gilroy, US 29 63
Yang, Linbo Pleasanton, US 25 25

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