Invoking externally assisted calls from an isolated environment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7934063
APP PUB NO 20080244612A1





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A method of invoking power processor element (PPE) serviced C library functions on a synergistic processing element (SPE) running in isolated mode. When the SPE initiates a PPE-serviced function, an SPE stub routine allocates a parameter buffer in an open area of a local store (LS) memory within the SPE. The LS memory includes an open area accessible to the PPE, and an isolated area inaccessible to the PPE. The SPE stub routine copies function parameters corresponding to the PPE-serviced function to a buffer within the open area of the LS memory, and writes a message word, which contains an identification variable of the PPE-serviced function and a location variable of the function parameters, to the open area. When execution is temporarily suspended on the SPE, the PPE reads the message word from the open area of the LS memory and executes the PPE-serviced function.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Murase, Masana Kawasaki, JP 21 235
Plouffe,, Jr Wilfred E San Jose, US 9 91
Sakamoto, Masaharu Yokohama, JP 106 1348
Shimizu, Kanna Austin, US 17 341
Zbarsky, Vladimir Newark, US 10 315

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