Harvesting energy in an integrated circuit using the seebeck effect

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11737362
APP PUB NO 20190051806A1





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An apparatus includes a first semiconductor fin and a second semiconductor fin that is parallel to the first semiconductor fin. The first semiconductor fin extends from a first region of a substrate near a circuit that produces thermal energy when a circuit is in operation to a second region of the substrate, which is disposed away from the circuit. The second semiconductor fin extends from the first region to the second region and has a different material composition than the first semiconductor fin. The first and second semiconductor fins collectively exhibit a Seebeck effect when the circuit is in operation. The apparatus includes interconnects to couple the first and second semiconductor fins to a power supply circuit to transfer electricity generated due to the Seebeck effect to the power supply circuit.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Jan, Chia-Hong Portland, US 158 3135
Lin, Jui-Yen Hillsboro, US 12 34
Nidhi, Nidhi Hillsboro, US 46 106
Phoa, Kinyip Beaverton, US 26 55

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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Feb 22, 2035
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