Neural network soft information detector in a read channel

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11811425
APP PUB NO 20220376711A1





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Example systems, read channels, and methods provide bit value detection from an encoded data signal using a neural network soft information detector. The neural network detector determines a set of probabilities for possible states of a data symbol from the encoded data signal. A soft output detector uses the set of probabilities for possible states of the data symbol to determine a set of bit probabilities that are iteratively exchanged as extrinsic information with an iterative decoder for making decoding decisions. The iterative decoder outputs decoded bit values for a data unit that includes the data symbol.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bedau, Daniel San Jose, US 60 334
Bellam, Pradhan Rochester, US 3 0
Galbraith, Richard Rochester, US 22 60
Hanson, Weldon Rochester, US 3 25
Oboukhov, Iouri Rochester, US 29 44
Ravindran, Niranjay Rochester, US 43 122

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