Systems, devices, and methods for ingestible event sensing and analysis

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11551790
APP PUB NO 20170337330A1





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In some embodiments, a system includes an ingestible signal generator coupled to a medication and configured to generate a body-transmissible signal upon ingestion by a user. The system also includes a receiver, the receiver including a sensor configured to detect the body-transmissible signal, the receiver configured to generate and wirelessly transmit a sensor signal based on the body-transmissible signal. The system also includes a user device. A processor of the user device is configured to wirelessly monitor the sensor for the sensor signal and, in response to not receiving the sensor signal within a predetermined time period, generate a notification. The processor is further configured to send a signal to present the notification and receive a response to the notification from the user. The processor is also configured to identify at least one trend associated with the sensor signal and the medication, and perform an action based thereon.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Docherty, John P New York, US 3 46
Hatch, Ainslie Princeton, US 1 0
Ross, Ruth Independence, US 4 2
Velligan, Dawn I San Antonio, US 1 0
Weiden, Peter Newton, US 1 0

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