Equalizing parasitic capacitance effects in touch screens

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9285909
APP PUB NO 20110248949A1





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Reduction of the effects of differences in parasitic capacitances in touch screens is provided. A touch screen can include multiple display pixels with stackups that each include a first element and a second element. For example, the first element can be a common electrode, and the second element can be a data line. The display pixels can include a first display pixel including a third element connected to the first element, and the third element can contribute to a first parasitic capacitance between the first and second elements of the first display pixel, for example, by overlapping with the second element. The touch screen can also include a second display pixel lacking the third element. The second display pixel can include a second parasitic capacitance between the first and second elements of the second display pixel. The first and second parasitic capacitances can be substantially equal, for example.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chang, Shih Chang Cupertino, US 252 6302
Hotelling, Steven Porter San Jose, US 80 6001
Yu, Cheng Ho Cupertino, US 6 180

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