Entryway control and monitoring system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8922356





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An entryway control and monitoring system includes a remote controller to open and close an entryway and a telematics unit. The remote controller and the telematics unit are each disposed in a vehicle. The system further includes any of i) a vehicle bus that operatively connects the remote controller to the telematics unit, or ii) respective short range wireless connection units disposed in each of the remote controller and the telematics unit that selectively operatively connect the remote controller and the telematics unit. Computer readable code embedded on a non-transitory, tangible computer readable medium is executable by a processor of the telematics unit to at least one of control or monitor an operation of the remote controller.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hua, Lei Troy, US 26 191
Lambert, Craig A Macomb, US 5 92

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