High efficiency switching power supply

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7432687
APP PUB NO 20060119329A1





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A high efficiency switching power supply including an analog front end, a battery control circuitry portion, a display and equalization circuitry portion, field effect transistor (FET) drivers, an isolated power supply transformer circuitry (and three associated sets of tap circuitry), microcontroller circuitry, oscillator circuitry, overcharge protection circuitry, programmable logic circuitry portion, and a zero current predictor. Overbiasing of the FET power supply switches, and/or other various circuitry features disclosed herein, helps achieve electrical power efficiencies of preferably greater than 95%, even more preferably greater than 98% and even more preferably greater than 99%. Preferably, the switching power supply has one or more of the following: (1) high electrical power efficiency (>95%. >98%, >99%); (2) overbiasing of a gate of a power supply switch; (3) a power supply switch with a low gate capacitance ratio; (4) multiple modes of operation; and (5) current prediction wherein an inductor voltage is used to control a constant current capacitor whose voltage indicates the level of current in the inductor.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
DasGupta, Sankar Mississauga, CA 38 1495
Jacobs, James K Toronto, CA 39 1919
Vandermeer, David Waterdown, CA 5 94

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