Western game of skill and risk

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4566697





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A game apparatus 'Ambush the Double Dealing Western Game of Skill and Risk'. The game has a game board having a continuous path around its perimeter divided into consecutive spaces, having alternate paths, and bearing instructions representing amounts to be paid or received during the game. Each of the spaces define a playing position. There is also provided a plurality of playing pieces one for each player in the forms of a bullet, a stagecoach, a saddle and a wagon. Also provided is play money of different denominations for partial distribution to each player, and playing cards bearing instructions. A novel chance determining device is provided to represent the number of playing positions to be moved by the playing pieces and a card area encased by vertical walls for storing the used and unused playing cards.

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Vickers, Kenny B 147-33 229th St., Rosedale, NY 11413 1 8

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