Casino card game

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7210684





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A player places a full-hand wager on a first hand or a second hand, a component-hand wager on one or both component hands of a first hand, or a full-hand wager and a component-hand wager. A first hand and a second hand, each with three cards, are dealt. Optionally, the hands are examined for a predetermined three-card combination, the hand with the higher ranking three-card combination automatically wins. Each hand is arranged into a two-card component hand and a single-card component hand. Component-hand wagers are won by players wagering on higher ranking component hands. Full-hand wagers are won by players wagering on the hand with one component hand outranking the corresponding component hand of the other hand and the remaining component hand outranking or tying the corresponding component hand of the other hand.

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Yuan, Tsuan Las Vegas, NV 8 76

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