Position sensing device and method for implementing failsafe control on position sensing system including the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8487578
APP PUB NO 20120146568A1





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A movement detection unit detects a movement of a detected object and outputs a voltage signal to an electronic control unit. A buffer unit implements buffer amplification on the outputted voltage signal. A pull-up resistor element or a pull-down resistor element is connected with the buffer unit via a wiring portion. A current detection unit detects a direction of an electric current flowing through the wiring portion to output a safe specific voltage signal to the electronic control unit on disconnection of the wiring portion. A power-supply-voltage detection unit detects decrease in a power supply voltage applied to the movement detection unit. A voltage switching unit sets the voltage signal, which is outputted to the electronic control unit through the wiring portion, on a high-voltage side or a low-voltage side according to the detected direction of the electric current, on detection of decrease in the power supply voltage.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kono, Yoshiyuki Obu, JP 92 587
Kubota, Takamitsu Chiryu, JP 38 350
Mizutani, Akitoshi Okazaki, JP 34 244

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