Block sync signal extracting apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4275466





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A sync signal extracting circuit suitable for a digital information processing apparatus, such as a digital video tape recorder, is provided, which can promptly detect an incorrect sync state and which can quickly and accurately recover a correct sync state. The circuit extracts the sync signals or portions from a digital information signal consisting of a plurality of successive blocks, each consisting of N successive bits (where N is an integer) and each having a sync signal or portion consisting of a predetermined sync bit pattern and a data portion. The circuit comprises a sync bit pattern detecting circuit for generating a detected sync signal when it detects the occurrence of the sync bit pattern in the information signal, a counting circuit for providing a count having a successive one of N cyclical count values in response to each successive bit of the information signal and generating a counted sync signal at every Nth bit of the information signal, and a check mode circuit for memorizing the count of the counting circuit when the detected sync signal is generated other than in conjunction with the counted sync signal, for generating a checked sync signal if a detected sync signal is generated the next time the counting circuit equals the memorized count, and for changing the count of the counting circuit in response to the generation of the checked sync signal so that the counting circuit will be synchonized with the detected sync signals which gave rise to the checked sync signal.

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Yamamoto, Kaichi Zama, JP 15 490

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