Method for determining a volumetric and/or mass flow rate

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11768094
APP PUB NO 20200393279A1





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The present disclosure relates to a method for determining a volumetric and/or mass flow rate of a medium flowing in a tube, wherein a density and/or a viscosity of the fluid is/are determined using a MEMS sensor chip, wherein the medium flowing in the tube at least partially flows through a measuring channel of the MEMS sensor chip to determine the density and/or the viscosity of the fluid, and wherein the volumetric and/or mass flow rate of the medium is determined regardless of the medium based on a detected pressure drop over the measuring channel of the MEMS sensor chip and the density and/or viscosity determined by the MEMS sensor.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Huber, Christof Bern, CH 52 293
Reith, Patrick Basel, CH 6 5

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