Integrated sealing and securing device for vascular catheters and methods for use of same

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America

PATENT NO 12076507
APP PUB NO 20190247623A1





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A device for sealing and securing a catheter at its insertion site in order to provide for optimum safe catheter function, and to achieve maximum catheter longevity/dwell time is described. The sterile seal achieved by this device fully protects the catheter and its insertion site from external contamination. The unique sterile seal also functions to fully stabilize and secure the catheter, thereby minimizing traumatic catheter injury and loss. A means of continuously viewing the insertion site is also provided, as well as mechanisms for maintaining sterility of the sterile chamber that is formed around the catheter insertion site by the integrated sealing and securing device. Together these features allow for improved catheter safety and function, and allow catheters to safely remain in place for an extended period of time. The need to change catheter dressings at intervals is minimized or eliminated.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Durant, Joseph M Derry, US 1 4
Helm, Robert E Rye Beach, US 7 77
Leinsing, Karl Dover, US 1 4

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