Display device, display panel driver and drive method of display panel

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9524664
APP PUB NO 20150302789A1





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A display device includes a display panel and a driver. The driver generates APL-calculation image data corresponding to an APL-calculation luminance image through an APL-calculation filtering process on the input usage data, calculates area characterization data including first APL data of each area in the APL-calculation luminance image and calculates second APL data depending on the position of each pixel and the first APL data of the area characterization data associated with the area in which each pixel is located and with the adjacent areas to generate pixel-specific characterization data including the second APL data. The driver generates output image data on the basis of the second APL data of the pixel-specific image data and drives each pixel in response to the output image data. The APL-calculating filtering process involves setting a luminance value of the target pixel in the APL-calculation luminance image to a specific APL-calculation alternative luminance value.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Furihata, Hirobumi Tokyo, JP 121 790
Nose, Takashi Tokyo, JP 163 1514
Sugiyama, Akio Tokyo, JP 39 215

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