Fluid waster diversion system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6622745





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A waste diversion system for diverting the effluent from a manufacturing process, such as polishing the surfaces of silicon wafers, has an electrically controlled diverter valve for receiving the effluent and diverting it either to a 'dirty' output for waste treatment, or to a 'clean' output for recycling or other treatment. To determine whether the effluent is 'dirty' or 'clean', parameter sensors are located to sense particular parameters such as turbidity, conductivity, ORP, pH, or ion content, as desired. One sensor is located to sense the parameters of effluent flowing into the diverter valve; and the other sensor is located to sense the parameters (typically, the same parameters) of the flow from the 'dirty' or waste side of the diverter valve. Only when both of the sensors indicate that the effluent is 'clean' is a signal provided to the diverter valve to switch it to the clean output. As soon as the sensor on the input side of the valve indicates that the effluent is no longer 'clean', the valve control switches back to divert the effluent to the 'dirty' or waste output. Only when both sensors once again determine that the effluent is 'clean' (that is, coming into the valve and being expelled into the waste outlet), is the valve control again operated to divert the effluent to the 'clean' output.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Smith, Craig Roland Chandler, AZ 1 8
White, David A Chandler, AZ 69 3644

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