Light emitting golf ball

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7833111





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A light-emitting golf ball is provided. The light-emitting golf ball is characterized in that hemispherical first hollow portions extend from the surface toward the center of a core, second hollow portions having a diameter less than that of the first hollow portions extend from bottom zones of the first hollow portions toward the center of the core, narrow holes extend through the core from the second hollow portions to portions of the core that are opposed to the second hollow portions, a ball body includes a transparent cover layer extending over the core surface, chemical light-emitting bodies include sealed vessels made of a flexible transparent material, the sealed vessels have cylindrical portions and round light-emitting portions having a diameter greater than that of the cylindrical portions, the cylindrical portions are tightly fit in the second hollow portions, and the light-emitting portions are fit in the first hollow portions. The light-emitting golf ball has a brightness greater than that of conventional light-emitting golf balls and therefore can be visually identified from a distance. The light-emitting golf ball can be used many times by replacing the chemical light-emitting bodies with other ones. The balance of the ball is well maintained and therefore the flying performance thereof is not deteriorated.

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Harada, Shiro Koga, JP 13 143

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