Electrical outlet cord support

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6503097
APP PUB NO 20020061678A1





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A spool support for supporting an elongated electrical cord around an electrical outlet. The spool support defines: a planar open main frame having a central window, for through engagement by the electrical outlet, and a peripheral edge wall, surrounding the central window, this peripheral edge wall including an upper end section and a lower end section; a first arcuate channel member, integral to the main frame upper end section and projecting forwardly from the plane formed by the main frame; a second arcuate channel member, integral to the main frame lower end section and projecting forwardly from the plane formed by the main frame, the first and second channel members extending upwardly and downwardly respectively and forming together a loop for winding thereinto the electrical cord. Screws, not associated with a cover plate for the electrical outlet but operative at the main frame upper end section and at the main frame lower end section, for releasably anchoring the electrical outlet to the spool support.

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Archambault, Francis 94, avenue du Lac, Rouyn-Noranda, (Quebec 1 44

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