Differential pressure measurement arrangement and method for identifying blocked differential pressure lines

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11181432
APP PUB NO 20190242773A1





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A method for diagnosing a differential pressure line of a differential pressure measurement arrangement includes capturing a first set number of differential pressure values, which represent a difference between a first media pressure and a second media pressure within a process, and checking whether the differential pressure measurement arrangement and/or the process are in a state that allows a diagnosis of the differential pressure line. Where it is determined that the differential pressure measurement arrangement and/or the process are not in a state that allows a diagnosis of the differential pressure line, the differential pressure values are captured anew such that the previously captured differential pressure values are deleted or overwritten. Otherwise, a diagnostic function to determine whether a differential pressure line is blocked is carried out.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Jehle, Max Wehr, DE 9 9
Parrotto, Davide Weil am Rhein, DE 8 22
Yang, Long Schopfheim, DE 99 1274

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