Deep draw packing method and film with small shrinkability for deep draw packing

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7237371
APP PUB NO 20060254218A1





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Deep draw packaging includes placing an object (C) in a concave container portion (1) formed by molding a film with small shrinkability (A), that is a film having a residual thermal shrinkage rate at C. of 1 to 15 %. The film (A) is formed by stretching a film having deep draw moldability and then thermally relaxing the film. The film has a surface which is formed of a heat sealable material which becomes the inner wall of the container portion. The concave container portion (1) is thereafter transferred to to a vacuum packaging apparatus (5) where it is covered by a cover portion (2) formed of a film (B) which can be heat welded to the film (A). A side face portion (11) and a bottom face portion (12) of the concave container portion (1) are thermally shrunk into close contact with the object (C). Less curling is exhibited when an upper peripheral portion (13) of the concave container portion (1) is sealed with the film (B).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Omori, Takeo Ibaraki, JP 4 119
Yamamoto, Masataka Tokyo, JP 62 614

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