Method and system for declarative configuration of user self-registration pages and processes for a service provider and automatic deployment of the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11567786





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Methods and systems are provided for declaratively configuring a sign up process and a sign up page for a particular service provider. User interface(s), which can be displayed at a user system of a particular service provider, can include a plurality of options for declaratively configuring different sign up processes and sign up pages for the particular service provider. After receiving a selection of one of the options to configure the sign up process and the sign up page, inputs can be received that can include an input that specifies one of a plurality of different types of identifiers associated with a user to be verified as part of the sign up process, and one of a plurality of different types of identity verification processes to define how the user will be verified as part of the sign up process for the service provider.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Glazer, Ian Washington, US 7 56
Koren, Sergio Isaac San Francisco, US 6 40
Mortimore,, Jr William C San Francisco, US 7 25
Vangpat, Alan Pittsburgh, US 19 534

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