Automated method and system for clustering enriched company seeds into a cluster and selecting best values for each attribute within the cluster to generate a company profile

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11397780
APP PUB NO 20210209176A1





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Methods and systems are provided for automatically generating company profiles. Independent seed source services each crawl web pages to collect seeds from different web-based sources. A seed enricher module can then fetch additional information for each of the collected seeds from other different web-based sources and generate an enriched company seed for each collected seed. The enriched company seeds can then be automatically clustered into different clusters that each represent a particular company. A particular value for each attribute of each cluster that is determined to have the highest score can then be selected for inclusion in a corresponding company profile for that cluster.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Agami, Erez Tel Aviv, IL 8 17
Aharonof, Hanan Ness Ziona, IL 9 29
Pogrebezky, Eli Bene Ayish, IL 8 17
Shushi, Baruch Herzliya, IL 8 17

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