System and method for configuring a field programmable gate array

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7538577
APP PUB NO 20070007998A1





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A mechanism within an electronic system for adapting a field programmable gate array (FPGA) to a flash memory device that supports a synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI) by coupling a small amount of MSI logic with the FPGA and the flash memory device, to configure the FPGA to a designed configuration state. The system comprises a first and additional FPGAs that support a serial configuration interface, SPI flash memory, and a parallel-load 8-bit shift register. SPI flash memory is initialized with a first configuration data pattern that is read from SPI flash memory and applied to the FPGAs during a first device configuration process resulting in the FPGAs each attaining a designed configuration state. The SPI flash memory is subsequently initialized with a second configuration data pattern by means of the first FPGA. Each FPGA attains another distinct designed configuration state by a second device configuration process.

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Patent Owner(s)

  • WINNOV, L.P.

International Classification(s)


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Bollinger, Thomas Steinebirker Weg 8 2 49

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