Method for triggering an action

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7123160
APP PUB NO 20050035876A1





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A method for triggering an action of at least one downhole device on a downhole network integrated into a downhole tool string synchronized to an event comprises determining latency, sending a latency adjusted signal, and performing the action. The latency is determined between a control device and the at least one downhole device. The latency adjusted signal for triggering an action is sent to the downhole device. The action is performed downhole synchronized to the event. A preferred method for determining latency comprises the steps: a control device sends a first signal to the downhole device; after receiving the signal, the downhole device sends a response signal to the control device; and the control device analyzes the time from sending the signal to receiving the response signal.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bartholomew, David B Springville, UT 23 891
Hall, David R Provo, UT 1287 19815
Johnson, Monte L Orem, UT 12 318
Koehler, Roger O Provo, UT 5 171
Moon, Justin Bountiful, UT 5 128

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