Method of producing porous metal-carbon materials

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United States of America Patent






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A method for creating a metal-carbon composite. In one embodiment, the method includes the steps of providing a polymer Schiff base transition metal id='REI-00001' date='20221115' filmid='REI-00001' id='REI-00002' date='20221115' complex id='REI-00002' precursor id='REI-00003' date='20221115' film id='REI-00003' having a chemical structure of the formula [M(Schiff)]n and a recurring unit and a transition metal selected from the group consisting of nickel, palladium, platinum, cobalt, copper, iron; Schiff is a tetradentate Schiff base ligand selected from the group consisting of Salen (residue of bis(salicylaldehyde)-ethylenediamine), Saltmen (residue of bis(salicylaldehyde)-tetramethylethylenediamine, Salphen (residue of bis-(salicylaldehyde)-o-phenylenediamine), a substituent in a Schiff base is selected from the group consisting of H—, and carbon-containing substituents, preferably CH3—, C2H5—, CH3O—, C2H5O—, and Y is a bridge in a Schiff base depositing the polymer Schiff base transition metal precursor film onto a support substrate; and heating the polymer Schiff base transition metal id='REI-00004' date='20221115' complex id='REI-00004' precursor film and support substrate in a furnace in an inert atmosphere.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Belous, Svetlana A St. Petersburg, RU 3 1
Chepurnaya, Irina A St. Petersburg, RU 3 2
Karushev, Mikhail P St. Petersburg, RU 4 3
Kogan, Semyon Newton, US 22 104
Lavrova, Tatyana S St. Petersburg, RU 2 0
Timonov, Alexander M St. Petersburg, RU 5 3

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 May 15, 2030
11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 May 15, 2034
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